اللــــهم اني اسألك برحمــــتك التي وسعت كل شي ان تغفرلي
O Allaah , I ask you by your mercy which
all things , that you forgive me
جزاك الله خيـــــــــرا
If someone does you a favour and you
قـــدر اللـــــــــه ومـآ شـــــــآء فعـــــل
Allaah has decreed and what he wills , he
حـســــبي الله ونـــعم الوكيـــــــــــل
(Allaah is sufficient for me . and
\how fine a trustee (he is
لا حـــول ولا قـــوة الا بـالله :
There is no might nor power except with